Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Brazilian Lemonade

This stuff is amazing...I think it just might be our favorite drink. Last time Kimberly made it she added extra lime. I liked it better that way, gave it a little kick and not as sweet. Jill, Kimberly and I are having our moms over for dinner tonight and are going to make it again because we like it so much! And the margarita glasses make it that much more enjoyable!
Brazilian Lemonade
2 limes
1/2 cup sugar
3 T sweetened condensed milk
3 cups water
Wash limes, cut off the ends and cut into wedges. Place in blender with sugar, sweetened condensed milk, water and ice. Blend in electric blender. Strain through strainer to remove rinds and serve over ice. Best when served immediately and does not keep more than an hour or so!
And this is the logical thing to do with your glasses when you are done drinking the lemonade!

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